01 May 2024

5 Top Perth, WA Mental Health Speakers to Inspire and Empower Your Audience

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Modern life can be fraught with mental health challenges. Burnout has become a growing problem and work-life balance is close to non-existent for many individuals. While attitudes about the importance of mental health are shifting in a positive direction in Australia, it’s still difficult for many of us to talk about. It can be even harder to know what actionable and realistic steps we can take towards improving our mental wellbeing. In the lead up to R U OK? Day 2024, take the time to think about how we can better equip ourselves to talk openly and honestly about the downsides in life.

A good place to start is by inviting a speaker experienced in mental health issues who can share their insights on how we can equip people with the knowledge, skills, help and resources to manage their mental wellness. Fortunately, when it comes to mental health speakers, Perth has no shortage of experts capable of sharing insightful and genuinely valuable stories of resilience, hope and survival in the face of adversity. Here are 5 of our top mental health speakers from the ICMI roster who are ready to empower your audience with both inspiring tales and practical tools on how we can improve mental health outcomes in our workplaces, schools and homes.


Michael Weston - mental health speakers PerthMichael Weston

Michael Weston’s extraordinary journey from iron ore miner to motivational speaker traverses many hardships. The stress of his professional life and poor work-life balance led to an acquired brain injury, the repercussions of which Michael lives with to this day alongside several mental health conditions.

Based in WA, Michael speaks about his experience in the hopes of inspiring others who have struggled with similar challenges. His key topics are mental health in the workplace and explaining the devastating impact that highly stressful work environments can have.

Find out more about Michael here



Kendall Whyte

Kendall Whyte is the 2022 Young Australian of the Year for Western Australia, and founder of Blue Tree Project, a grass-roots charity, making an impact across Australia. The mission of Blue Tree Project is to help spark difficult conversations and break down the stigma of mental health, by giving dead trees ‘a blue lease on life’.

Hear the story of how the painted blue trees that are dotted across the globe have become symbols of hope and conversations starters.

Find out more about Kendall here



Tenille Bentley

Tenille Bentley’s mission is to break the generational cycle of trauma and provide avenues to healing for children and parents around the world.

A domestic abuse survivor, Tenille works tirelessly to help others. Now living in WA, she has been a guest on numerous television and radio channels and is sought after as a speaker and educator. Her story of not only surviving but thriving in the face of adversity will leave your audience inspired and empowered.

Find out more about Tenille here




Rachel Tomlinson

Rachel Tomlinson is a Registered Psychologist and author of two internationally published books Teaching Kids to be Kind (Skyhorse) and A Blue Kind of Day (Penguin/Kokila).

Rachel has focussed her work on relationships, wellbeing, resilience, across a variety of fields including; drug and alcohol, education settings, trauma, play therapy, counselling, group programs and training and development.

Find out more about Rachel here



Russell Ord and Shanan Worrall

Russell and Shanan’s extraordinary story of friendship and survival will leave your audience breathless. The two became mates for life when Russell saved Shanan’s life after a dramatic wipeout in the surf.

These two men have seen a lot in their years in the ocean, from giant waves to huge great whites. Both turned to the ocean as a place of solace and calm when they began struggling with mental health challenges. Today, the two are avid surfers, divers and photographers based in WA. Their story of resilience in the face of both mental and environmental challenges will leave your audience inspired.

Find out more about Russell & Shanan here



Dr Jenny Brockis

Driven by her natural curiosity about the world around her, Dr.Jenny Brockis found what she thought was the perfect profession. She became a GP and board-certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician, a path that allowed her to explore questions about the body and mind connection.

After suffering from burnout, Jenny found her true calling. She has made it her mission to create work environments free from burnout, allowing people to be their best selves both at work and at home. Based in WA, she is a published author several times over and will leave your audience empowered to better their work-life balance.

Find out more about Dr Jenny here


When it comes to mental health and wellbeing speakers, Perth audiences have an incredible opportunity to hear inspiring tales of resilience and self-discovery. Whether you’re looking for mental health speakers for schools, events or in the workplace, ICMI is proud to offer a diverse roster of talent who have have faced struggles and found resilience and strength inside themselves in the process.

Our team can find the right person for your unique needs, whether you’re looking for a mens mental health speaker, womens mental health speaker or a motivational speaker who can connect with your audience and inspire them to take steps towards improved mental health and wellbeing.

Explore our full roster of mental health & wellbeing speakers Perth



Article by Brad Hopes.

Brad Hopes is a dedicated management consultant that handles ICMI’s WA based talent. Always up for a friendly chat to clients and talent alike, he draws from a varied background that has ranged from rugby coaching to auctioning for charity organisations.

Interested in booking one of our speakers? Call us now on 1800 334 625 or make an enquiry online.

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