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Key Points for Julian Pace

  • Julian Pace is a highly authentic, award-winning and incredibly engaging speaker on happiness, pre-emptive mental health, leadership, mentorship and peak performance.
  • Happiness Co is a multiple award-winning social enterprise. Winning recognition in social impact, business, mentorship, community and suicide prevention.
  • His company, Happiness Co, was named as a finalist in the Telstra Business Awards for the Social Change Maker category and is Perth’s Optus Stadium’s official “Purpose Partner”.
  • Julian has been featured on Sunrise, Today Tonight, SCA radio, multiple Seven West sites and several other highly regarded channels regarding happiness.
  • For his work in Mental Health, Julian has been named a Westfield Hero, shortlisted as an Australian of the Year nominee and was recently named Mentor of the Year.
  • Julian and Happiness Co’s clients include PwC, Woodside, Red Cross, Roy Hill, Casurina, Chevron, KPMG, Bunnings, CPA and AFL Sportsready amongst others.
  • Nominated as an Australian of The Year recipient in the Local Hero category.

Topics for Julian Pace

  • The long road to happiness
    Keynote and workshop
    Julian shares his powerful story, gets the audience to contemplate how they’re sharing theirs and gives practical, everyday tools to improve their happiness and fulfilment.  
  • Performing at your peak in high stress
    Having worked with several high performing teams and individuals, Julian brings those stories with him and breaks them down for some of the most incredible take aways your audience could expect. 
  • Leadership and culture for happiness
    Keynote and workshop
    When individuals aren’t taking responsibility for their happiness and wellbeing, the organisation suffers. This presentation changes the way people look at leading their workplace, their life around them and more importantly, themselves.

Testimonials for Julian Pace

Engaging, impactful, useful.

I am probably repeating myself, however I just wanted to formally say a massive thank you for your presentation yesterday. Prison staff can be an extremely tough audience who don’t normally choose to express their emotions. However, I have had numerous staff approach me to articulate their appreciation to Julian & Happiness Co at the rawness and authenticity showed by you both.
I would love to link up further down the track and see how our organisations can further work together.
You are a top bloke, keep up the good work!
Assistant Superintendent Safer Practice
Casuarina Prison

Looking out at the huge year our team has ahead of us we wanted to do something to set the whole team up for success not matter what role they are playing in our key projects over the year. What better way to do this than to have Jules come and take us all through the peak performance pillar to help us consider the roles we play in our lives at home and at work and recognise the negative emotions we have and give us some ideas of how we can convert them into positives as well as including some team building exercises. Our team came out of it having had their eyes opened and seeing things in a new way. The session was fully of energy and meaning and I would highly recommend it to others.
One of Australia’s Largest Oil & Gas Operators

We recently engaged the services of Happiness Co & their CEO Julian Pace to carry out a series of on-site workplace sessions for our staff. The participation levels right from the start from our staff and the difference I can already see within them is quite incredible.
I had been looking for ways to improve our company culture and the overall wellbeing of our staff for quite some time.  We promote work/life balance here at Monson and I feel what we are doing with Happiness Co is contributing to this more than any other initiative we have rolled out in the past.
Julian and his team at Happiness Co are very professional and we could not be more satisfied with the partnership we have formed with them. I would have no hesitation in recommending them to any of our clients.
Monson Agencies

Thank you so much for presenting at the Swtich On conference!
Just thought I’d pass on some of the anonymous comments we received from the survey that was circulated:
Very relevant. Unfortunately.
Standout presentation - a personal story that made me think about my life and professional/personal interactions
Different, confronting, relevant. This presentation kept me captivated throughout
Great presentation
I really liked this session - probably the best we had
An excellent and thought provoking presentation.
This was something a bit different, but I'm very glad that such a presenter, was allowed to present the type of material that was delivered.
Encanta Events for HLB Mann Judd

Your session had the most amount of attendees out of the whole day, all feedback submitted by the audience was positive and everyone was motivated and touched by your session. The average rating for your session was 5/5 for aligning to the theme and that they'll use the information in the workplace and day-to-day life. The comments on the feedback forms for your session said that you were a great speaker and you really inspired, motivated and touched the audience and they wish you could have spoken for longer. Your time it was very valued, thank you for working with us.
TAFE Talks Team 2019

Fantastic to have you there as part of our People & Culture event as part of the LG Professionals WA program. Everyone was thoroughly inspired and energised. Thank you so much!
LG Pro Conference 2019

Inspiring. That is it in a nutshell, the work that Julian & Happiness Co are doing is truly inspiring and we felt privileged to be in a room listening to Julian’s story and get tools to help as well.
A take out for me was the line ” Change your view and things change.”, the skill is to catch my busy mind and redirect some of those self-critical thoughts. 
We wish the team at Happiness Co a fabulous future and we are pleased to recommend them to join any work force and share their important teachings around Work and the place for conversations around mental health.
For 90 minutes we had over all of our team members riveted to the talk and tools being presented by Happiness Co.  Robbie and Julian are an awesome team with a powerful message.
Mental Health in the work place is often a taboo subject and yet it impacts most Australians in some form or another.
As a caring and conscious business the management at Office Solutions IT support the communications that Happiness Co are bringing to employees and employers.
We encourage all businesses, no matter what size to invite Happiness Co into your work place and shed light on a dark subject.
Office Solutions IT