Jonas Kjellberg Book as a speaker/entertainer for your next event

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Key Points for Jonas Kjellberg

  • Pulling from his decades of experience and lessons from the Skype story, Jonas Kjellberg addresses all aspects of contemporary business both in the tech sector and elsewhere: from the specifics of sales, product, innovation, culture, and growth, to broader examinations of the business climate and entrepreneurship.
  • Jonas was listed as one of Finland's Top 10 Speakers, and has given talks in many major cities including Berlin, London, San Francisco, Buenos Aires, Stockholm and Barcelona.
  • As one of the founding partners of Skype, Jonas was an instrumental part of one of the internet’s biggest businesses.
  • Jonas' experience is diverse: from entrepreneurial ventures to academia, he was CEO and founder of Campuz Mobile (acquired by Vodafone) and Optimal Telecom, and CEO and partner of Wyatt Media Group to academia, as well as a lecturer at Stanford and Stockholm School of Economics. He is also a member of IKEA’s digital board and has helped many small to large companies successfully undergo their own digital transformations.

Topics for Jonas Kjellberg

  • Managing digital transformations, disruption, and innovation
    In this talk, Jonas Kjellberg speaks about the disruptors or “game changers” who are remaking the world of business around us. In this engaging and interactive talk, he challenges the game changers in the audience to tell him he’s wrong and to contribute to the discussion.
  • Social and creative innovation: New business models for a new generation
    In this talk, Jonas Kjellberg speaks about what kind of innovative thinking is needed for success and why some good ideas and companies make it while others do not.
  • Business creation, growth, and success
    In this talk, Jonas Kjellberg outlines the process of business creation based on his book Gear Up: Test Your Business Potential and Plan Your Path to Success. Entrepreneurs, Intrapreneurs, and everyone in between will learn how to transform their business idea into a high potential venture.
  • A comedy of errors: VC’s, the tech world, and the many failures that lead to my success
    In this talk, serial entrepreneur Jonas Kjellberg describes the lessons learned from his many startups, failures, and eventual successes that defined his career during the dotcom boom and beyond. He details the ups-and-downs of the industry as well as his experience from Campuz Mobile (acquired by Vodafone) to his success with Skype.

Testimonials for Jonas Kjellberg

Jonas killed it! I thought he was fascinating.  Everyone has confirmed they LOVED him - he is super dynamic, engaging, disruptive, and I would love to work with him at a future event!