Bill Zammit Book as a speaker/entertainer for your next event

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Key Points for Bill Zammit

  • Bill has presented throughout the UK, Scandinavia, Germany, and the United States.
  • He is comfortable delivering keynote addresses to any sized group. The larger the group the more powerful the impact.
  • Bill shares the same techniques he used as performance coach for the Timor Leste Olympic Ski Team at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. He also donated his mentoring services to the Maltese, Romanian and Moroccan ski teams.
  • Everyone has been flat sometime. Audiences relate to Bill’s story of recovery and joyfulness.
  • Bill is Cairns based but nationally focussed.
  • Practical Happiness - TED talk 2016.

Topics for Bill Zammit

  • It is not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it!
    Practical Happiness
    The problem is, we all want to be happier, but we don't know how to get there. Buying more stuff doesn't work. It leaves us further in debt and feeling dissatisfied. Meanwhile, life keeps throwing rocks at us to knock us off our course. Bill has been at times overwhelmed by life’s rocks yet remains upbeat and positive. Using humour, laughter, and mindfulness, Bill will share his methods of getting up off the floor when all seemed hopeless. This may sound bleak, but it does raise the issue of mental health in general, and men’s in particular. This presentation is an enjoyable roller coaster that will stimulate your delegates, help build relationships, and leave them feeling happier and more alert. The experience can be summed up in one word: Uplifting.
  • Why I love the Northern Territory
    Perfect for Darwin or Alice Springs based conferences. Bill talks about his thirty years in the Northern Territory, why he loves the people, the characters, weather, places and culture. This is a delightful presentation delivered by a skilled raconteur relating stories accumulated from living thirty years in the Territory
  • Master of Ceremonies


Testimonials for Bill Zammit

Bill was really engaging and uplifting in his keynote, which is what we were hoping for when we booked him. 
Professional Teachers' Association of the Northern Territory

Bill Zammit (Thank you Lord for giving us Bill Zammit)
I was transformed after having a private workshop with Bill in the privacy of my home on an occasion when I was experiencing personal grief. Unbeknown to Bill I was cynical from the outset however I was quite astonished with the results. The techniques Bill applied were quite simple and easy to work with. The sinister feeling of a lump in my throat at the beginning of the session literally disappeared when the session came to an end. On reflection I need to say that the self-help tools Bill equipped me with have proved to be invaluable. I unequivocally support his methods, talent, and practice to any person who is looking for equanimity and peace of mind. Thank you, Bill.  

Bill Zammit’s Stress Management Workshop came when I really needed it and I didn’t even realise it. I attended his workshop during OBM in 2017 to gain “a couple” of additional skills in stress management and what I received was of far more value to the entirety of my life.  I was working in a secure job that I had maintained over 4 years with a fulfilling purpose, on track with my career and my personal life was in check but I still felt constantly drained of emotions.  Unable to pin point a cause I felt a slow growth of a jaded and sometimes cynical outlook which loomed in the background.  After attending Bill’s workshop, it shone a light on these feeling. It was a welcomed reminder on how to reset your mindset to view the reality that you chose.  Providing various practical techniques to encourage your body and mind to stop, reassess and recharge.  Bill’s delivery is relaxed, nurturing and entertaining all at the same time. This highly interactive and insightful workshop needs to be experienced. I would recommend this to all my contacts that are looking to let go of stress and gain some useful practices to inject.  
Community Relations Manager
Leukemia Foundation

I recently attended Bill’s Stress Management workshop in Alice Springs which was part of the 2017 October Business Month. I wasn’t sure what to expect initially but I quickly learned that Bill was here to brighten up our day! Bill covered multiple techniques and approaches to deal with depression, stress and low happiness – most of which had profound effects on the participants there that day.

Bill’s ability to increase one’s happiness by focusing on certain cues and eliminating certain thought patterns was really quite special, and I would thoroughly recommend his workshops to anyone who is struggling with stress, decreased mental health or just general unhappiness. I really enjoyed it and hope to meet him again one day.

Hi Bill, Feedback about your two sessions was very positive and often talked and laughed about by delegates. Comments on the evaluations forms were: "Helps deal with stress", "Good fun", "It made me relaxed and happy", "This was fantastic", "Very much a good stress reliever for such a busy job", "Felt great afterwards and I think it will help me a lot", "Some people just forget to laugh at life", "Wonderful foundation of knowledge and for practice", "Great to unwind and meet people especially at the beginning of a training session". Many thanks…

Hi Bill, I’d like to say personally how much [your talk] made a difference in my day. I'm dealing with a close family member having a terminal illness, and not only did the talk give me more strength to maintain a healthy attitude, it's also given me a way of coping when times get tougher. So from myself, and the rest of the team here. Thank you, Sam

Bill Zammit continues to inspire our Management team.  After every session with Bill we are ready to take on the world.   It is vital to focus on our wellbeing end enjoy laughter in our day to day work and reap the benefits of such an easy act.  Bill is an amazing story teller who influences your life perspectives in a very positive and real way. 

To Whom It May Concern 

l confirm that l have known William Zammit for 29 years. At all times I found William enthusiastic courteous conscientious peace loving and very sensitive. William and I worked as Multicultural Liaison officers in Darwin, N.T., Australia, 1985. William and I have stayed in contact since and, although l am no longer living in Australia, we are constantly in contact. At all times l have found William enthusiastic, honest, courteous, conscientious, Peace loving, and very sensitive. For the above reasons and many other endless qualities bill acquires, the Timor-Leste Ski Federation TLSF, was honoured when Bill accepted to be the president of the Australian Timor-Leste Olympic ski Association Not surprisingly Bill expose more qualities that I had not discovered previously. He proved to be an excellent Negotiator and excellent physiologist, masseur, and the best mental coach in the mountains' Athlete Village at the Sochi Olympic Games. Bill accepted to accompany the Timor-Leste ski team to Sochi at his own cost and volunteered endless hours to prepare our athlete for the competition. Bill's kindness extended to other small teams (Malta Romania and Morocco) in the village who were, like us, were limited financially to afford to pay for professionals like Bill I Witnessed something amazing, an athlete came to the "Timor Leste House" the day before her race in tears asking to see Bill, after bills amazing coaching she finally left laughing. the next day not only did she finish her race, conditions extremely bad on that day, but she did it in excellent timing. She told me if we Bill had not coached her she would not have presented herself at the race.  
Caraleena d Mascot Aus console this
Secretary in Europe f s t l chef de mission Sochi 2014