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Key Points for Metta World Peace

  • Best known for the highs (making the shot that won the 2010 NBA Championship for the Lakers) and lows (the infamous “Malice in the Palace” brawl) of his career and his openness in discussing his struggle with depression and anxiety; Metta World Peace was awarded the “Mental Health Hero” award for his advocacy and activism.
  • Metta World Peace publicly shared his battles with anxiety and depression, becoming a respected advocate for mental health.
  • He is the Chief Impact Director of OOTify, a social impact technology platform that provides mental health infrastructure to enterprises.
  • Metta is the founder and chairman of Artest Management Group, currently raising a $1 billion venture fund to support his portfolio companies.
  • He is the subject of the multi-award-winning and Emmy-nominated Showtime Sports documentary, Quiet Storm: The Ron Artest Story, featuring teammates Kobe Bryant, Lamar Odom and other NBA legends.

Topics for Metta World Peace

  • Be on top of your game by taking care of yourself
    Knowing you need to take care of your mental health is a sign of strength these days, however, this was not always the case. Especially in sports, athletes were often afraid to seek help to deal with the pressures of the game and life in general. Perhaps, fearing it would make them look weak, athletes often suffer in silence or if pressures become too much to bear, act out. Metta is one of the first professional athletes to publicly speak out on the topic of mental health and has helped raise awareness and remove the stigmas often associated with mental health issues. Through his persistent advocacy, Metta has been a key player in destigmatizing mental health issues, He speaks from experience and is a living example of how getting support has helped improve his life and game. In this riveting talk by the former NBA champion, you will learn that to be on top of your own game, mental health and wellness must be prioritized. Audiences will walk away recognizing the importance of seeking help, learning how to find support when they are in need and how to support others that may be struggling.
  • To be a champion you need to hustle, reinvention, and tenacity
    It takes more than just desire to become a champion. You need hustle, tenacity, and reinvention to achieve big goals. When Metta Sandiford-Artest was growing up in Queensbridge, he had to overcome many obstacles to reach his goals—from surviving the streets of queens bridge New York in poverty, becoming a parent at 16 years old, to handling his own mental health issues, all odds were stacked against him.Over the course of his career he went from league-wide disgrace to fan favorite. In this exciting talk by the former NBA champion, Metta will take you from the streets of Queens to his NBA championship with the L.A. Lakers. Audiences will learn that regardless of the circumstances you come from, with hardwork and perseverance, anything can be possible. You need to find your desire, seek good mentors, work harder than everyone else, learn from your mistakes, and never give up.
  • Fireside chat with Metta World Peace
    Over his career, Metta Sandiford-Artest has been an NBA champion, actor, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and a spokesperson for mental health issues. In this fireside chat, you can enjoy the authentic experience of hearing behind-the-scenes’s stories of Metta’s career from NBA bad boy to being honored with the J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award. Audiences will come away with a deeper understanding of what it takes to be a champion, how to take care of their own mental health, and get business tips from Metta’s life as a venture capitalist.

Testimonials for Metta World Peace