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Key Points for Luli Adeyemo

  • Luli Adeyemo, a DE+I advocate, has transformed corporate culture, bridged skill gaps, and empowered organisations through her expertise. She has spoken on a panel for Coca-Cola executive leadership and also for Formula One.
  • Luli's contributions have earned her recognition and awards, showcasing her prowess as a pioneering DE+I leader. She has most recently been nominated for Women’s Leadership Awards, sponsored by Commonwealth Bank in the category for Emerging Leader in Tech. She was also featured in the panel picker as sole presenter of South by South West, Austin in 2024.
  • With extensive media appearances and opinion pieces, Luli has amplified the transformative power of DE+I in high-profile publications. She has appeared in Forbes, HR Mangazines and BBC sport.
  • Her insights have attracted international giants like Coca-Cola, who engage her for her expertise in DE+I on a global scale. Dedicated Volunteer: Her role as Executive Director at TechDiversity reflects her unwavering commitment to creating a more inclusive tech workforce. Luli's pioneering spirit extends to sports, where she is recognized as a BMX trailblazer and world champion with a fascinating story.

Topics for Luli Adeyemo

  • Integral role of DE+I in driving business success on a global scale
    In an era where businesses operate in an interconnected global landscape, harnessing the integral role of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE+I) is not merely a choice; it's an imperative. This compelling topic delves into the transformative power of DE+I in driving business success on a global scale, unveiling how it goes beyond just a buzzword to become a strategic advantage for organisations worldwide.
    Key Points
    • Global business realities
      Opening the discussion with a snapshot of the current global business landscape and challenges they face.
    • Understanding DE+I
      • Defining Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as more than just policies but a cultural shift within organisations.
      • Highlighting the multidimensional nature of DE+I, encompassing aspects beyond race and gender to embrace a wide spectrum of perspectives, abilities, and backgrounds.
    • Strategic imperative
      Presenting DE+I as a strategic imperative rather than a compliance checkbox. Delving into how it aligns with an organisation's core values, vision, and goals.
    • Innovation and competitiveness
      • Exploring the direct link between DE+I and innovation. How diverse teams generate a broader range of ideas and foster creative problem-solving.
      • Discussing DE+I as a catalyst for competitiveness. How organisations that embrace diversity are better equipped to adapt to change, gain a competitive edge, and seize global opportunities.
    • Tangible business benefits
      Uncovering the tangible benefits that DE+I initiatives bring to businesses on a global scale, including enhanced employee engagement, improved customer relationships, and increased profitability.
    • Case studies
      Sharing real-world examples of organisations that have successfully integrated DE+I into their global business strategies and the positive outcomes they've achieved.
    • Challenges and overcoming barriers
      Acknowledging that the path to DE+I integration isn't without obstacles. Discussing common challenges and strategies for overcoming them.
    • The leadership role
      Emphasizing the role of leaders and executives in championing DE+I. How leaders can set the tone, inspire cultural change, and foster an inclusive global work environment.
    • Future outlook
      Discussing the evolving landscape of DE+I in a rapidly changing world. What can we expect in the future, and how can businesses prepare for it?
      In conclusion, this topic delves into the integral role of DE+I in driving business success on a global scale. It inspires leaders, professionals, and organisations to not only embrace DE+I as a moral imperative but as a strategic advantage. By leveraging the power of diversity, equity, and inclusion, businesses can unlock their true potential, foster innovation, and thrive in the complex and interconnected global marketplace.
  • Beyond the field: DE+I principles in sports for inclusivity and innovation
    While the world of sports often seems centred around competition and athleticism, it's also a powerful platform for showcasing the transformative potential of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE+I). This engaging topic explores how DE+I principles extend far beyond the playing field, impacting sports in ways that foster inclusivity, drive innovation, and send ripples of change throughout society and organisations.
    Key Points
    • Expanding the DE+I horizon
      • Introducing the concept that DE+I principles are not confined to the workplace but are equally relevant in the sports arena, and how we can learn from each other.
      • Emphasising the broader societal impact of sports and how they reflect and influence cultural values.
    • Inclusivity through sports
      • Highlighting how sports can serve as a powerful vehicle for inclusivity by transcending barriers of race, gender, disability, and social status.
      • Discussing specific examples of sports initiatives that promote inclusivity, such as adaptive sports, gender equity in athletics, and sports programs for underprivileged youth.
    • Innovation at the intersection
      • Exploring the intersection of DE+I and innovation. How diverse perspectives within teams and organisations lead to groundbreaking developments in not just sports but also workplaces.
      • Sports as a cultural mirror
        • Analysing how sports reflect the values and attitudes of societies. How inclusivity (or the lack thereof) in sports can be a reflection of broader cultural norms.
        • Discussing how sports can serve as a catalyst for societal change and awareness of critical issues.
      • Transforming organisations through sports
        • Exploring how businesses and organizations can draw inspiration from sports to drive their own DE+I transformations.
        • Discussing the strategies and best practices that can be adapted from the world of sports to create more inclusive workplaces.
      • Challenges and progress
        • Acknowledging the challenges and controversies surrounding DE+I in sports and workplaces, including issues of discrimination, gender pay gaps, and athlete activism.
        • Highlighting the progress made and ongoing efforts to address these challenges in both the sporting arena and organisations.
    • Beyond HR: Measuring DEI - Applying customer insights strategies to the workforce
      Organisations invest significant resources in understanding their customers, gathering data, and analysing trends to tailor products and services. However, when it comes to their workforce, the approach to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is often confined to HR. This compelling topic delves into the concept of extending customer insights strategies to the workplace, exploring why organisations should gather comprehensive data on their employees and how this can lead to transformative DEI outcomes.
      Key Points
      • The customer insights paradigm
        • Introducing the concept of how organisations meticulously collect and analyse customer data to enhance products and services.
        • Drawing parallels between understanding customer behaviour and comprehending the employee experience.
      • Measuring beyond HR
        • Exploring the limitations of current DEI measurement approaches, which often focus solely on HR metrics.
        • Discussing how this narrow focus can hinder organisations from gaining a holistic view of their workforce's diversity and inclusion.
      • The business case for comprehensive data
        • Presenting compelling reasons for organisations to invest in gathering comprehensive data on their workforce.
        • Highlighting how this data can lead to better decision-making, enhanced innovation, and improved employee satisfaction.
      • Data sources and collection methods
        • Discussing the various sources of workforce data, including surveys, feedback mechanisms, and performance evaluations.
        • Sharing examples of organisations that have successfully implemented data collection strategies beyond HR.
      • Analysing employee experience
        • Exploring how customer experience analytics can be adapted to measure the employee experience.
        • Discussing the insights that can be gained by assessing factors such as engagement, satisfaction, and inclusion.
      • Tailoring DEI strategies
        • Demonstrating how data-driven insights can inform DEI strategies.
        • Providing examples of organisations that have used data to identify areas for improvement and tailor interventions.
      • Impact on organisational culture
        • Discussing how a data-driven approach to DEI can foster a culture of transparency and accountability.
        • Highlighting the role of leadership in promoting this cultural shift.
      • Transparency and reporting
        • Emphasising the importance of transparent reporting on DEI progress.
        • Discussing best practices in sharing DEI data with internal and external stakeholders.
      • Challenges and ethical considerations
        • Addressing potential challenges, such as data privacy concerns and ethical considerations when gathering employee data.
        • Providing guidance on navigating these challenges responsibly.
      • A holistic approach to DEI
        • Summarising the benefits of applying customer insights strategies to the workforce.
        • Encouraging organisations to embrace a holistic approach to DEI that mirrors their customer-focused strategies.
    • Leadership - The impact of leadership teams shying away from DEI integration in corporate DNA
      In today's diverse and dynamic business landscape, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) have evolved from mere buzzwords to essential components of corporate success. However, there remains a world where some leadership teams hesitate to fully embrace DEI principles, leading to missed opportunities, cultural stagnation, and reputational risks. This thought-provoking topic explores the consequences of leadership teams failing to integrate DEI into their corporate DNA and the imperative for change.
      Key Points
      • The role of leadership in shaping corporate culture
        • Exploring the pivotal role leadership teams play in defining an organisation's culture.
        • Highlighting how their attitudes and actions directly impact DEI efforts.
      • DEI as a business imperative
        • Presenting compelling arguments for why DEI is not just a moral obligation but a strategic business imperative.
        • Emphasising how diverse and inclusive organisations tend to outperform their competitors.
      • Missed opportunities for innovation
        • Discussing how a lack of DEI integration can stifle innovation and creativity.
        • Sharing examples of innovative companies that credit their success to diverse perspectives.
      • Attracting and retaining talent
        • Highlighting the role of DEI in attracting and retaining top talent.
        • Discussing the expectations of the modern workforce regarding workplace diversity.
      • Customer and market relevance
        • Exploring how a disconnected leadership approach to DEI can lead to a loss of relevance in an increasingly diverse market.
        • Examining the impact on customer trust and loyalty.
      • Reputational risks and crises
        • Discussing the potential reputational risks and crises that can arise from DEI-related incidents.
        • Providing examples of companies that faced public backlash due to their handling of diversity issues.
      • Leadership accountability
        • Discussing the importance of holding leadership teams accountable for DEI goals and initiatives.
        • Highlighting the role of boards and shareholders in driving accountability.
      • A call for cultural transformation
        • Advocating for a cultural transformation within organisations to embed DEI at every level.
        • Providing guidance on how leadership teams can actively champion this change.
      • Success stories and best practices
        • Showcasing examples of organisations that have successfully integrated DEI into their corporate DNA.
        • Sharing best practices for leadership teams looking to embark on a DEI journey.
    • How my vision impairment sparked my passion for inclusive digital design
      In this deeply personal narrative, I delve into my own transformative journey initiated by my vision impairment and the profound impact it had on my passion for inclusive digital design. Drawing inspiration from my experiences and insights, this discussion explores the power of embracing challenges and leveraging personal stories to drive change.
      Key Points
      • The catalyst of vision impairment
        • I share my personal account of how vision impairment became the catalyst for a transformative journey.
        • Acknowledging the unique challenges and insights it brought into my life.
      • The journey to inclusive digital design
        • I narrate the evolution from personal adversity to a fervent passion for inclusive design.
        • How my lived experiences reshaped my career and advocacy.
      • Embracing challenges for change
        • I highlight the role of adversity in fostering resilience and determination.
        • My journey as a source of inspiration for embracing challenges.
      • The inclusive design imperative
        • I emphasise the pivotal role of inclusive design in creating accessible digital landscapes.
        • How my personal experiences drove my commitment to inclusivity.
      • Shifting the design paradigm
        • I discuss how inclusive design challenges traditional design norms.
        • How designing for diverse needs leads to innovation and empowerment.
      • Advocacy through authenticity
        • I stress the importance of being authentic and open about personal experiences.
        • My example of challenging assumptions and sharing my story for advocacy.
      • Inclusive digital design as a vehicle for change
        • I showcase how embracing inclusivity in design transforms digital landscapes.
        • The broader implications of inclusive design beyond personal journeys.
      • Inspiring change beyond oneself
        • I encourage individuals to inspire change within their communities and industries.
        • How personal experiences can lead to meaningful advocacy.
      • Empowering inclusivity
        • I highlight the role of inclusivity as a driver of empowerment for individuals and society.
        • Encouraging a commitment to inclusive digital design as a means to empower diverse audiences.
          This topic offers a glimpse into my transformative journey from vision impairment to a profound passion for inclusive digital design. Personal challenges can be powerful catalysts for change, as evidenced by my journey. By embracing adversity and leveraging personal experiences, I have found a calling in advocating for inclusive design. My story underscores the potential of inclusivity as a vehicle for empowerment and positive change, encouraging others to embark on their own journeys of transformation and advocacy.

Testimonials for Luli Adeyemo