Annie Duke Book as a speaker/entertainer for your next event
Key Points for Annie Duke
- Annie Duke is a decision strategist and author.
- Author of How to Decide: Simple Tools for Making Better Choices and national bestseller, Thinking in Bets.
- Was one of the top poker players in the world for wo decades.
- Is a writer, coach and speaker on a range of topics such as decision fitness, emotional control, productive decision groups and embracing uncertainty.
- Continually updates and refines her approach by incorporating new and fresh illustrations from popular culture, sports, politics and current events, social-science research, business, financial markets, and entrepreneurship.
Topics for Annie Duke
- Thinking in bets: Avoid emotional decision-making and embrace uncertainty
- Own your own disruption
- How winning and losing drives irrational choices: Lessons from the poker table
- Taking care of your future self: Temporal discounting and the sacrifices we make to feel good now
- Hearing is believing: Belief formation and motivated reasoning