Peter Coroneos Book as a speaker/entertainer for your next event

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Key Points for Peter Coroneos

  • Peter Coroneos is an internationally recognised authority on cyber policy, based in Australia. He serves as International Vice President for the Paris-based Cybersecurity Advisors Network. He is also CEO of Icon Cyber and Serenityworks.
  • Peter served as chief executive of the Internet Industry Association from 1997-2011.
  • Peter Coroneos pioneered the development of ‘icode’, an internationally recognised and adopted scheme for early notification and help for internet users by their ISPs of malware infections.
  • Peter has been twice invited to the White House to brief the Obama Administration’s national cyber security leadership on the icode scheme. Subsequently adopted in US as CSRIC code.
  • Peter Coroneos has run national malware, spam and spyware campaigns.
  • Advised on important cyber security legislation including the Cybercrime Act 2001 and the Spam Act 2003.
  • Advised Privacy Commission on emerging technology threats to personal information.
  • Peter Coroneos led an industry delegation to Washington under the US/Australia bilateral national security dialogue on critical infrastructure protection.
  • Contributed to the OECD Guidelines for the Security of Information Systems and Networks.
  • Provided expert advice to Australian and US Legislative Committees on cyber security issues.
  • Co-author of The Cyber Breach Communication Playbook, released 2018. The first book of its kind specifically addressing best practice in communicating a cyber breach. Preserving brand and executive reputation and customer trust are its core goals.
  • In 2019, Peter Coroneos was officially appointed as the international vice-president of the Paris-based Cybersecurity Advisers' Network.

Topics for Peter Coroneos

  • Responding to the new cyberthreat environment
    A tailored presentation to address boards and executive groups. This presentation references the latest ransomware and theft of corporate intellectual property. This presentation offers a realistic look at the threat landscape whilst being delivered with a considered and constructive approach.
  • Cybersecurity primer for the non technically minded
    Beyond the hype, how vulnerable are we actually? And what practical steps should we be following?
  • Leadership, fearlessness and compassion
    Twenty-first century leadership calls for a skill set quite unlike anything we’ve seen before. What are the leadership qualities that command respect, loyalty and confidence—and can they be developed?
  • The conscious corporation
    In a time when trust in institutions is waning, what can a company do to project authentic engagement with those on whose support its future depends.
  • Confessions of a serial disrupter: Lessons from 13 years of internet leadership
    Uniquely placed to observe the impact of disruptive technologies on established institutions, the speaker was himself a disrupter. A fascinating, first hand historical account of how political interests tried to strangle the internet - and almost won.
  • The fourth industrial revolution: Winners and losers
    It's more than a catch phrase. The 4IR is a reality and it's unfolding around us right now. What is driving this monumental economic shift and what will be required to survive and prosper in the new order?
  • Lessons from Silicon Valley on human centric innovation
    Successful innovation requires that the human experience is enhanced. What does this mean in practical terms and what 6 principles should guide us?
  • Attracting and retaining the most creative innovators
    Surprisingly perhaps, it's not money or fame. It's somewhat deeper. What does the research tell us and how do we apply it?
  • The future is arriving every day: Five trends we can't ignore
    What's driving market behaviour? Where is the next major disruption likely to occur?
  • The Cyber Breach Communication Playbook presentation
    A moderated ‘interview’ type situation, where Peter Coroneos and co-author Michael Parker cover the different angles of the book from both a cyber risk and communication angle. They are also offering exclusive executive workshops based on the methodology contained in the book.

Testimonials for Peter Coroneos

Peter Coroneos was excellent, well prepared and added great value, insights and expertise. Our audience and we were impressed.    

We recently hosted Peter Coroneos as a keynote at our global HP Protect Conference 2011 in Washington DC for many of the world's top cyber-security practitioners,.  The conference discussed the future of cybersecurity in the modern enterprise, sharing strategic insights and pragmatic best practices. We were thrilled with Peter's clear, accessible, engaging and authoritative presentation on responses to cyberthreats he has pioneered in Australia. Aware that his work has become a model for international best practice, we asked him to share his unique insights with our customer audience of over 2000 people. They were not disappointed. Peter is justifiably regarded as an international thought leader in this area and an inspiration to an industry challenged by the rise of cyberthreats. We look forward to his keynote and latest thinking next year when we reconvene our audience.
Hewlett Packard USA

As a communicator of technology-related content, Peter Coroneos stands  apart. I've had the privilege of hosting Peter as guest speaker to  keynote a number of our national and corporate events over the years, as  well as sharing the stage with him at a major technology conference for  C-level executives in the US last year. He consistently demonstrates an  ability to captivate audiences with his command of the issues and his  capacity to deliver in a way that even non-specialists can understand. Whether we're talking trends in new media innovation and copyright,  internet security and cybercrime, broadband or the host of controversial  political and legal issues the internet has thrown up, Peter Coroneos' thoughtful  insights and aptitude for translation are highly valued in our industry.

Chief Executive Officer